The Introduction

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” -Paulo Coelho

The Projects' Details

Almost all of my projects and mini-projects as below.
These projects are publicly available on the accounts mentioned above

1. Cowin Slot Availability Telegram Bot

April 2021 - May 2021
Tech Used: SETU API, Telegram bot, requests, JSON, time (library), Python
About: The Ultimate telegram bot that shows the slot's availability for a predetermined time and refreshes rate. The refresh rate is amongst the fastest possible (1.3s). Helped more than 50 people get the slots in the first ten days. I got vaccinated on the first day (1st May 2021).

2. Intelligent Systems of Voice Recognition

January 2021 - April 2021 (SEN sem 6)
Role: System Architect, Core's developer
Tech Used: NLP-recommendation algorithm, AI/ML, Voice Recognizer, Wolfram Alpha API, Wikipedia, beautifulsoap4, OpenCV, psutil, Python, Tkinter, PyQT5
About: ISVR is a scalable and portable system that does the work on your voice command. It has more than 25 functionalities, like fetching information, NEWZ from internet/Wikipedia, Performing Calculations, File IO, Starting various software, Storing Passwords, Playing music, Videos, Taking your photo using a webcam, telling jokes, Screen brightness/volume controls, Data-time related queries and a lot more. The major functionalities also include adding functionalities in the maintenance stage. The users can embed their own functionalities involving third-party APIs, tools. Project Link

3. Computational and Numerical Methods Project

Aug 2020 - Dec 2020
Tech: Computation and Numeric Methods, GPU, Optimizers(SAGA), MATLAB, Python, iPython-notebook
About: This project comprises of solving some real-world problems optimally with the best strategy possible and with tuned HW/SW/HW-accelerator combinations.

4. Pandemic Management Database System

Aug 2020 - Dec 2020
Tech Used: DBMS, PostgreSQL, Pgadmin 4, Google Forms survey, UML designing tool:
About: The Pandemic Management Database System to solve the problems raised during the pandemic time, organize different sectors of a country such as Economy, Healthcare, Human Rights, Service Sector, Govt Policies, NEWZ, and form a coalition between them.

5. Barcode/QR Embedder (mini-project)

May 2020 - May 2020
Tech Used: Image Processing, PILLOW, Python
About: Embedding barcode/QR into an image. A new digital signature method. Features: This barcode cannot be seen from naked eyes even if the image is small in dimensions (at least 400x400). While decoding, we don't need the original image.

6. Analyzing Amazon Forest Fire with Satellite Image Processing

Apr 2020 - May 2020
Tech Used: Google Earth Engine, PILLOW, Numpy, Python, JS
About: Project that predicts/suggests fire hotspots in forest fire by analyzing data provided by satellites and Google Earth Engine Servers. The project includes satellite data mining methods and image processing of GeoTIFF images with PILLOW in python.

7. Differential equation solver with sympy

Feb 2020 - Mar 2020
Tech Used: Python, iPython Notebook, Computational Physics
About: This includes mathematics linked with python sympy solver to solve the equations and matplotlib to make visualizations.

8. Machine Learning Model Visualizers

Jan 2020 - Mar 2020
Tech Used: Machine Learning, Matplotlib, Numpy, Python, iPython-notebook
An optimized way to visualize your machine learning models. To know how the ML models decide their boundaries and regression hyperplanes etc. This program is compatible with any ML model.

9. Youtube Video Downloader (Windows) GUI version (mini-project)

Jan 2020 - Jan 2020
Tech Used: Youtube-dl, Tkinter, Python
About: The GUI version of the youtube-dl API. Paste the link, and then the video will start downloading in your current working directory. If the user provides the link to a playlist, all the videos from the playlist will begin downloading.

10. Profitable App Profiles for the Google Play Market (Data Science)

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
Data Analytics
Won The MSTC-WOC in Data Analytics
About: This is the project/analysis of the Google Play Store market suggesting the trends and the profit-making app profiles.

11. Profitable App Profiles For The iOS App Store

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
Data Analytics
Won The MSTC-WOC in Data Analytics This project analyzes the iOS App Store market suggesting the trends and the profit-making app profiles.

12. Billing App

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
Tech Used: JSON, PILLOW, fitz, pdfkit, Tkinter, Jinja 2 templating, Python
Tech Used: JSON, PILLOW, Fitz, pdfkit, Tkinter, Jinja 2 templating, Python About: A GUI-based billing app, highly optimized, after providing the details it will generate bills in pdf format. Features: Setting the Shop/Mart details, Shop/Mart logo, and the Tax details. A very user-friendly and smooth interface.

13. Test-Maker for Language/Bilingual Training

Jul 2019 - Aug 2019
Tech Used: Tkinter, Docx (package), random, Python
About: Auto-generate test sheets for Language/Bilingual Training (Requires Dictionary or a set of question-answers in word format).

14. Advanced analysis of 4G communication technology

Feb 2019 - May 2019
Tech Used:, Numpy (packages), Tkinter, MATLAB, Python
Advanced analysis of 4G communication technology. Implementing the model and analyzing it under various possibilities. The simulator is also available.